Laboratory research of bedload discharge
Experiment was realized by the author under
the direction of M.M. Gendelman in 1996 in the channel processes department of
State hydrological institute in St.Petersburg, Russia. Middle-bar type of
channel process was reproduced in the experiment. Experiment was operated in
the flume, width 2 m, length 50 m with the constant water discharge is equaled
of 10 l/s.
At first, water poured in the basic tank by
the pump with productivity 80 l/sec, and then water discharge in a flume was
regulated by a valve on a head tank of the flume with a weir of a triangular
profile, gabion and foam wave absorbers in a sump. The superfluous water
discharge from the main tank was flown over at the top. It ensures a constancy
of a head and, accordingly, water discharge, poured in the flume. The nil of
the flume tank was determined by a volumetric method, and then the values of
water discharges were calculated through a head on a weir according to the King
formula. The flume end was equipped with an adjustable horizontal edge. 40
squared papers were glued together glasses sides every 1 meter. The zero points
were determined using a horizontal surface of immovable water. Before the
beginning of experiment the bottom was laid out from sand by an mean diameter
of 0.33 mms and is ironed under a plane with slope 0.0022 manually by screw
rack on two guides for glasses, which one were exhibited on the squared papers,
glued on the flume glasses .The water filling of the flume on the laid out sand
was made from below end of flume by small water discharge up to depth about 3
cm in a top of a flume.
Then monitoring measurements of depths on
longitudinal section was conducted every 1 meter. The experiment was operated
at constant flow of water, equal 10 l/sec. In the flume end closely to each
other were established 8 bathometers for catching volume of bed load. The
bathometers represent rectangular boxes 25 sm width. The upper edge of boxes
was placed below basement of moved dune. Measurements of sand volume entered
bathometers were made each 2 hours.
The experiment was prolonged 300 hours. In
figure 1 the course of values bed load discharge are showed Temporal bed load
irregularity is visible. This fact is known.In 1952 N.E. Kondratyev has formulated
one of the basic concepts the channel processes theory. It is that "... in
real channel flows all formations and all processes have discrete nature....
The discrete nature has also bed load transport" [1].
The fluctuation of the total bed load has
essence relevant value for definition of indispensable accumulation period of
the bathometer for obtaining representative value of the discharge bed load.
Let's conduct conditional analogy. The fluctuation of the bed load discharge
are similar to velocity pulsations of water flow. Only temporary scales of
these fluctuations various. For obtaining water velocity we is maintained a
whirly in a point 60-100 sec, and then we speak: “flow velocity there are a lot
of meters per second”. Also for obtaining true average bed load discharge it is
necessary to summarize values for hundreds hours, and then to receive the
discharge in volumetric values per hour.
To evaluate attitude of these temporary
scales, we compare time of replacement of all water in a flume (or on a unit of
length) on new and propagation time by the microforms from a beginning of a
flume up to the end (or unit of length). The water discharge is Q=10 l/s, width
В = 2 m, depth H=0.03 m, length L=40 m. Water volume is peer 2.4 м3.
Time of water in the flume is t=V/Q = 240 sec. Dune velocity Vd = 2 cm/hour,
length of a flume L=40 m. A propagation time by the sand replacement of all
flume t = L/ Vd = 2000 hours. Characteristics changes pace of a channel are
more slowly pace of water replacement in 30000 times. If average value of flow
rate of water we receive by average for 100 sec, that, guessing some analogy,
bed load discharge it is necessary averaging for 3·106 sec or
approximately for 1000 hours!
The question are appears from the
conclusions: How long time it is necessary to measure bed load discharge?
Whether it is possible in general to measure a bed load discharge using
The bathometers for measuring of the bed
load discharge represent of eight closely put boxes of identical width. The
obtained data, reduced in figure 2, allow observing change of the bed load
discharge on width of a flume. About 100 hours the most part of bed load goes
in any 3-4 adjacent boxes closer to a side. In another traps the bed load do
not go at all or go in minimal quantities. Then approximately at 10 hours total
quantity of bed load discharge is decreases and the bed load are arranged on
width disorderly. Following hours almost all bed load discharge begin to go
already in other 3-4 boxes for an inverse wall of a flume. Available no uniform
distribution of the bed load transport on width of a flume. Non-uniformity is
very large. For two hours in several boxes the bed load able not appears at all.
While in any one box more than 50 % from the total bed load discharge for this
period able is massed.
From here there are new question: How to
select a place for the installation of bottom pan-type sampler on the river?
Whether has sense a bed load measurement by bathometers in points? What in
general represent the data of existing measurements?
Now it is possible to receive explanation,
why any existing formula under the discharge of bed load does not respond the
data of full-scale measurements. At first, in a nature never it is impossible
by dot measurement to determine true value of the bed load discharge the
integrating on width. Same it is possible to say about measurement of flow
rates of water by a whirly. Really, thus too it is impossible to receive
precise average value of flow rate of water, but the error will be in two,
maximum three times. The estimation of average discharge of bed load on one
measurement on width of the river threatens with an error in thousand times. Depending
on a place of measuring it is possible to receive value and in hundreds time
smaller, and in tens time large, than true one. And, secondly, as is described
in the previous, the large enough time of average for obtaining true value is
necessary. The precise measured values of the bed load discharge are not.
Therefore there are no also valid formulas on calculation of the bed load
The unique report on continuous measurement
of total bed load discharge on the river is an east Wind-Fork in USA [2]. The
sampling of total bed load discharge implements the trap designed for
continuous of a sampling on all width of a flow at low and average discharges
of water and on separate segments of cross section at high flow of water. The
total bed load entered the trap are forwarded on beach with the help of a
driving belt and overturning bunkers, where they collect and are continuously
For a problem of definition of the cause of
formation channel bars and meander the prime value for us has dependence of
distribution of the bed load discharge on width of a flow with transit
mesoforms. In considered experiment was watched middle-bar type of channel
process. This type of channel process is with no motion of sand in a forward
and central part middle-bar. The bed load discharge there is equal to zero. The
described scheme of the bed load transport by a cardinally differs from that,
which one exists at side-bars.
At side-bars type of channel process, to
the contrary, the most part of the bed load discharge goes on side-bar
peripherals, and in the reach the transport is gentle. The qualitative
difference of distribution of the bed load discharge on width of a channel is
those at side-bar type of channel process and middle-bar.
At middle-bar the maximum of bed load
discharge goes on depression between middle-bar. At side-bar type of channel
process, to the contrary, in reach the minimum of the bed load discharge is
watched. This polarity in properties is conditioned to miscellaneous kinds of
mesoform streamlining qualitatively by different velocity distribution of flow
above middle-bar and side-bar. If an altitude of elevation small, the flow is
easy flows through it and above such elevation there is an increase of
velocity. If the altitude of elevation considerable, the flow can not skip
through it, mesoform streamlines and above it there is velocity decreasing.
At middle-bar type of channel processes the
flow streamlines middle-bar and the maximum both flow rates of water, and bed
load discharge is necessary on reductions. At side-bar type of channel process,
to the contrary, flow by oblate section flows through side-bar, the maximum of
velocity is on side-bar that results in the fissile transport of bed load on
such mesoform. Important qualitatively miscellaneous interplay of a flow and be
load at side-bar and middle-bar. At middle-bar type the most discharge located
in a middle-bar body participations actually do not receive, it is though
superfluous for a flow and is streamlined by a flow. At side-bar type the flow
bed load transport located on a side-bar surface.
If to see from the power point of view, at
middle-bar the most of a flow does not suffice on the transport of all bed load
offered by the river. At side-bar type of channel process the flow all quite
suffice for the valuable fissile transport offered bed load. At side-bar type
of channel process the energy of river has a lot of, it is not enough of bed
load transport. At middle-bar type of channel process, to the contrary, the
energy for the transport of bed load has not enough, the conveying capacity of
a flow is rather small, it is a lot of bed load transport.
Middle-bar type of channel process is
contrast of side-bar type.
1. Kondratyev N.E. Popov. I.V., Snishenko
B.F. Osnovy hydromorphologicheskoi teorii ruslovogo processa (Basic of
hydromorphological theory of channel processes). – St. Petersburg:
Gidrometeoizdat, 1982. – 272 с. (In Russian).
2. Lewin J., Bradley S.B., Macklin M.G.
Historical valley alluviation in mid-Wales//J. Geol. - 1983. - Vol. 18, № 4. -
p. 331-350
Fig. 1. Fluctuation of the total bed load
Fig. 2. A course of the bed load discharge
measured each bathometer.
1-8 - number of boxes.